جمع من الإلهام والحافز الإسلامي - Brilliant course – Tafseer Surah Taha Update Lagi Nih sodara Muslimin Dan Muslimat, Tentang Brilliant course – Tafseer Surah Taha. Untuk Sahabat Sekeyakinan Yang sedang Mencari Brilliant course – Tafseer Surah Taha, Mungkin Brilliant course – Tafseer Surah Taha Ini bermanfaat Buat Anda. Monggo Dilihat Brilliant course – Tafseer Surah Taha di bawah Ini Agar Lebih Jelas Tau Tentang Agama kita Yang sangat Kita Cinta Dan Kita Puji-puji ini.
Alhamdulillah, by the will of Allah over 470 people benefited from the course taught by the ever captivating Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim. This course has always received rave reviews wherever its been held, maa shaa Allaah tabaarakAllaah. Highlights – one person took his shahadah at the course – Allahu Akbar! May Allah accept it from us and keep the brother on the Straight Path and ease his entry into Jannah, ameen.
May Allah make us people of the Qur’an and ponder upon the messages in it.
Narrated ‘Uthman: The Prophet said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” (Bukhari)
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Ditulis Oleh:جمع من الإلهام والحافز الإسلامي
Dtrebitkan Pada :2014-02-05T09:14:00-08:00