جمع من الإلهام والحافز الإسلامي - virus Islam and addicted of Quran Satanic Verses Update Lagi Nih sodara Muslimin Dan Muslimat, Tentang virus Islam and addicted of Quran Satanic Verses. Untuk Sahabat Sekeyakinan Yang sedang Mencari virus Islam and addicted of Quran Satanic Verses, Mungkin virus Islam and addicted of Quran Satanic Verses Ini bermanfaat Buat Anda. Monggo Dilihat virus Islam and addicted of Quran Satanic Verses di bawah Ini Agar Lebih Jelas Tau Tentang Agama kita Yang sangat Kita Cinta Dan Kita Puji-puji ini.
This is how you would get cured from being Invected of virus Islam and addicted of Quran Satanic Verses :
1. Eat enough pork.
2. Consider that our relationship with the True God is Father and Child. Not Master and Slave. Therfore when you pray and worship Him, lift up your face to Heaven not to put your face down and kiss floor.
3 When you worship True God, do not lift your ass high and put your head down. You think with your head not ass. You praise with mouth and Head. Not with yoyr ass.
4. Realize that The True God is not dwelling in Qa'bah Meccah. Qa'bah is shelter of Hazar Azwad (Black Stone)
5. When you come to Meccah and Qa'bah, just consider holiday and do not Kiss Hazar Azwad and say "Here I am coming to fulfill your calling oh God" Hazar Azwad is not God. It only stone.
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Ditulis Oleh:جمع من الإلهام والحافز الإسلامي
Dtrebitkan Pada :2014-09-20T23:24:00-07:00
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