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Kamis, 17 Juli 2014

Cari Jodoh Muslim Online

جمع من الإلهام والحافز الإسلامي - Islamic News Update Lagi Nih sodara Muslimin Dan Muslimat, Tentang Islamic News. Untuk Sahabat Sekeyakinan Yang sedang Mencari Islamic News, Mungkin Islamic News Ini bermanfaat Buat Anda. Monggo Dilihat Islamic News di bawah Ini Agar Lebih Jelas Tau Tentang Agama kita Yang sangat Kita Cinta Dan Kita Puji-puji ini.

Cari Jodoh Muslim Online - Salah satu pertanyaan yang cukup banyak ditanyakan oleh umat Muslim adalah, apakah boleh cari jodoh Muslim online atau di Internet? Karena cukup banyak hal negatif yang dikatakan oleh media tentang aktivitas cari jodoh online, maka umumnya umat Muslim lebih suka untuk mencari jodoh di pengajian. Ini disebabkan karena umumnya umat Muslim disarankan untuk memilih jodoh sesama umat Muslim pula.

Cari Jodoh Muslim Pada kenyataannya, sebenarnya ok-ok saja untuk cari jodoh Muslim online. Saat ini di Internet sudah ada ratusan situs cari pacar khusus untuk kaum umat Muslim. Bukan berarti mereka yang mendaftarkan profil mereka di situs-situs ini pasti 100% oran baik-baik. Di situs apapun, bahkan di dunia nyata, selalu ada orang-orang yang ingin mencoba untuk menipu orang lain. Kabar baiknya, situs cari pacar Muslim umumnya akan lebih “aman” dibandingkan situs-situs cari pasangan lainnya. Jika Anda seorang Muslim yang masih jomblo dan sedang ingin mencari pasangan, tidak ada salahnya Anda mencoba untuk mendaftarkan diri situs0situs cari jodoh khusus Muslim ini. Apalagi jika Anda seorang Muslim yang aktif, Anda akan dengan cukup mudah bisa membedakan mana profil-profil yang sungguh-sungguh ditulis oleh seorang Muslim sejati lainnya.

Pertanyaannya, situs manakah yang bisa dipercaya untuk mencoba cari jodoh online untuk orang Muslim? Anda bisa mencoba situs cari jodoh umum dan menyaring profilnya berdasarkan agama. Namun yang lebih kami sarankan ialah untuk Anda mendaftarkan diri di situs cari jodoh khusus Muslim. Ada banyak situs semacam ini di Internet saat ini. Tentu saja Anda perlu untuk mencari tahu mana situs cari jodoh Muslim yang baik dan mana yang bukan. Dari hasil pengalaman kami, dua buah situs cari pacar khusus Muslim yang kami rekomendasikan adalah dan Lebih banyak profil yang sungguh-sungguh dibuat oleh umat Muslim yang ingin mencari jodoh di kedua situs ini dibandingkan situs-situs yang lainnya.

Tentu saja, aturan yang sama perlu Anda ikuti dalam cari jodoh di dunia nyata maupun di Internet. Selalulah memulai suatu hubungan sebagai teman terlebih dahulu. Carilah teman sebanyak-banyaknya, karena biasanya hubungan yang langgeng dimulai dari hubungan pertemanan. Tentu saja jika umur Anda berdua sudah tidak muda lagi Anda tidak perlu menunggu terlalu lama untuk mulai mencoba masuk ke tingkat selanjutnya yaitu berpacaran jika kedua pihak sudah siap. Kami harap artikel cari jodoh Muslim hari ini akan membantu Anda kaum Muslim dalam usaha cari jodoh Anda secar online.

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Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Egypt: Civilian Population Terrorized; Women and Children Exploited

جمع من الإلهام والحافز الإسلامي - Islamic News Update Lagi Nih sodara Muslimin Dan Muslimat, Tentang Islamic News. Untuk Sahabat Sekeyakinan Yang sedang Mencari Islamic News, Mungkin Islamic News Ini bermanfaat Buat Anda. Monggo Dilihat Islamic News di bawah Ini Agar Lebih Jelas Tau Tentang Agama kita Yang sangat Kita Cinta Dan Kita Puji-puji ini.

Egyptian authorities revealed yesterday that various terrorist (jihadi) organizations, particularly in the Sinai region—including the villages of Mahdiya, Ganoub Rifh, Sheikh Zawid, and al-Arish—are keeping the people in a state of terror and threatening to slaughter any that try to flee the region and/or expose them and their identities.

Sources also say that the Egyptian military and police are taking measures to prevent any potential attacks on or massacres of the civilian population, warning that “the terrorists use women and children as human shields in cases where Egyptian military forces launch security operations.”

Authorities further exposed plans by the jihadi groups to use young children from the region to spy on the movements of the military, presumably because children are less susceptible of arousing suspicions.

However, in one instance, a 12-year-old boy was apprehended after he was seen closely surveying both moving and parked military vehicles in the village of Sheikh Zawid, in order to detonate them through a wireless device, said sources.

Christmas Holiday, Islamic Horror

جمع من الإلهام والحافز الإسلامي - Islamic News Update Lagi Nih sodara Muslimin Dan Muslimat, Tentang Islamic News. Untuk Sahabat Sekeyakinan Yang sedang Mencari Islamic News, Mungkin Islamic News Ini bermanfaat Buat Anda. Monggo Dilihat Islamic News di bawah Ini Agar Lebih Jelas Tau Tentang Agama kita Yang sangat Kita Cinta Dan Kita Puji-puji ini.

As Christians in the West go to church and worship during this Christmas season, it is well to reflect on how these two simple acts—going to church to worship—can be life-threatening for Christians in the Islamic world, especially on Christmas.  The following excerpt from my book, Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (pgs. 42-45), provides a glimpse of the horrors and humiliations Christians throughout the Muslim world can be exposed to whenever they try to meet and worship in church on Christmas and other Christian holidays.  One can only hope—perhaps in vain—that this coming Christmas does not add new victims to the list.


Christians in the Islamic world today are suffering attacks motivated by the very same diabolical animus as a thousand years ago under Hakim [Egyptian caliph who ordered the destruction of reportedly 30,000 churches in the 10th –11th century].  Proof of this is that some of the most terrible assaults occur precisely on Christian holidays—Christmas, Easter, and New Year’s Eve (which is a major church day in the Middle East). And no wonder, considering that some Muslim clerics insist that “saying Merry Christmas is worse than fornication . . . or killing someone.”

After some fourteen centuries of church attacks and other persecution—punctuated by a brief Christian Golden Age—Egypt’s Copts began the new year in 2011 once again under assault, at one of their largest churches: during midnight Mass in the early hours of January 1, 2011, the Two Saints Coptic Church in Alexandria, crowded with hundreds of Christian worshippers, was bombed, leaving at least twenty-three dead and approximately a hundred injured. According to eyewitnesses, “body parts were strewn all over the street outside the church. The body parts were covered with newspapers until they were brought inside the church after some Muslims started stepping on them and chanting Jihadi chants,” including “Allahu Akbar!” Witnesses further attest that “security forces withdrew one hour before the church blast.” And a year earlier, Muslims shot and killed six Christians as they were leaving church after celebrating the Coptic Christmas Eve midnight Mass in Nag Hammadi.

December 25, 2011, was called Nigeria’s “blackest Christmas ever.”  In a number of coordinated jihadi operations, Reuters reported, Islamic terrorists bombed several churches during Christmas liturgies, killing at least thirty-eight people, “the majority dying on the steps of a Catholic church after celebrating Christmas Mass as blood pooled in dust from a massive explosion.” Charred bodies and dismembered limbs lay scattered around the destroyed church. This attack was simply a reenactment of Christmas Eve one year earlier, in 2010, when several other churches were set ablaze and Christians were attacked, also leaving nearly thirty-eight dead. There was no reprieve for Nigeria’s Christians when the next religious holiday came; some fifty Christians were killed “when explosives concealed in two cars went off near the Assemblies of God’s Church during Easter Sunday services” in April 2012 in a predominantly Muslim region. According to the pastor, “We were in the Holy Communion service and I was exhorting my people and all of a sudden, we heard a loud noise that shattered all our windows and doors.” December 25, 2012, saw a repeat of the last few Christmases: in two separate attacks, Islamic gunmen shot and killed twelve Christian worshippers who had gathered for Christmas Eve church services, including one church’s pastor.

The violence in Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population in the world, was not so bloody, but Muslims’ hostility was equally clear.  In December 2012, more than two hundred Muslims threw rotten eggs at nearly one hundred Christians desiring to hold a Christmas Mass in empty land outside Jakarta, since their church, the Philadelphia Batak Protestant Church, had been illegally closed. A photographer saw angered Muslims—men, women wearing the hijab (the Muslim headscarf), and children—blocking the road and hurling rotten eggs at those attempting to worship. According to the Reverend Palti Panjaitan, the incident followed a Christmas Eve attack when “intolerant people” threw not only rotten eggs but also “plastic bags filled with urine and cow dung” at the Christians. “Everything had happened while police were there. They were just watching without doing anything to stop them from harming us.”

The attack was a repeat of what had happened several months earlier, during an Ascension Day church service in May 2012. Then some six hundred Muslims threw bags of urine, stones, and rotten eggs at the same congregation. The mob also threatened to kill the pastor. No arrests were made. The church had applied for a permit to construct its house of worship five years ago. But pressured by local Muslims, the local administration ordered the church to shut down in December 2009—though the Supreme Court recently overruled its decision, saying the church was eligible for the permit. Regardless, local Muslims and officials demand the church cease to exist.

In the Philippines, during Mass on Christmas Day 2010, a bomb exploded inside a packed Catholic church in the “Muslim-dominated” island of Jolo, injuring six worshippers including the priest. The bomb was planted by the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf group, which according to the Daily Mail “has been blamed for several bomb attacks on the Roman Catholic cathedral in Jolo since the early 2000s and for kidnapping priests and nuns.”

While many more examples of church attacks on Christian holidays could be given, the four examples above demonstrate an important point. Egypt, Nigeria, Indonesia, and the Philippines have very little in common. These countries do not share the same language, race, or culture. What, then, do they have in common that explains this similar pattern of church attacks during Christian holy days? The answer is Islam. All four countries have large Muslim populations.

If Islamic jihadis target churches during Christian holidays, Islamic governments exploit the law to oppress Christian worship during those same holidays. For example, in December 2011 in Iran, several reports appeared indicating “a sharp increase of activities against Christians prior to Christmas by the State Security centers of the Islamic Republic.” Local churches were “ordered to cancel Christmas and New Year’s celebrations as a show of their compliance and support” for “the two-month-long mourning activities of the Shia’ Moslems” (activities which culminate with a bloody exhibition of self-mutilation and flagellation during Ashura). Two days before Christmas 2011, state security raided an Assemblies of God’s church. Most of those present, including Sunday school children, were arrested and interrogated. Hundreds of Christian books were seized. As one reporter put it, “Raids and detentions during the Christmas season are not uncommon in Iran, a Shi’a-majority country that is seen as one of the worst persecutors of religious minorities.”

Indeed, such oppression of Christians during Christmas is not uncommon throughout much of the Islamic world. In Iraq, some Muslim school teachers in Mosul’s elementary and high schools scheduled exams on December 25, 2012, forcing Christian students to attend school on Christmas Day and miss Christmas Mass, “even though authorities had identified the 25th of December as an official holiday for Christians.” In December 2011 in supposedly moderate Malaysia, priests and church youth leaders were required to obtain “caroling permits” by submitting their full names and identity card numbers at police stations—always a harrowing experience—simply to visit their fellow church members and sing carols like “Joy to the World” and “Silent Night.” In Pakistan in 2011, Christians lamented that “extreme power outages have become routine during Christmas and Easter seasons.” In Indonesia, December 2011, after “vandals” decapitated the statue of the Virgin Mary in a small grotto days before Christmas, the “embattled” church of GKI Bogor, another Christian church that local Muslims want eliminated, was forced to move its Christmas prayers to a member’s house after Islamic groups warned Christians not to meet at the site of the church.

Coptic Christian Children: Kidnapped and Killed for Cash

جمع من الإلهام والحافز الإسلامي - Islamic News Update Lagi Nih sodara Muslimin Dan Muslimat, Tentang Islamic News. Untuk Sahabat Sekeyakinan Yang sedang Mencari Islamic News, Mungkin Islamic News Ini bermanfaat Buat Anda. Monggo Dilihat Islamic News di bawah Ini Agar Lebih Jelas Tau Tentang Agama kita Yang sangat Kita Cinta Dan Kita Puji-puji ini.

Yet another Coptic Christian child was recently kidnapped in Egypt.  Thirteen-year-old Cyril Rif‘at Fayiz was abducted in the Minya district by “unknown persons” who later called the child’s parents demanding one million Egyptian pounds, nearly the equivalent of $150,000 USD.

This phenomenon—kidnapping and holding Coptic children captive for large ransoms—has become a regular feature of the Egyptian landscape, particularly in Minya, Upper Egypt.  A few examples follow:

August 2013: Copts held a funeral for Wahid Jacob, formerly a young church deacon.  He too was kidnapped by “unknown persons” who demanded an exorbitant ransom from his family—1,200,000 Egyptian pounds (equivalent to $171,000 USD).  Because his family could not raise the sum, he was executed—his body dumped in a field where it was later found.  The priest who conducted his funeral service said that the youth’s body bore signs of severe torture.
May 2013: After 6-year-old Cyril Joseph was kidnapped and the family paid ransom, he was still killed.  In the words of the Arabic report, the boy’s “family is in tatters after paying 30,000 pounds to the abductor, who still killed the innocent child and threw his body in his sewer system, where the body, swollen and moldy, was exhumed.”
April 2013: Ten-year-old Sameh George, another church deacon in Minya, was likewise abducted by “unknown persons” while on his way to church to participate in Holy Pascha prayers leading up to Orthodox Easter. His parents said that it was his custom to go to church and worship in the evening, but he failed to return and they received an anonymous phone call from his kidnappers informing them that they had the Christian child in their possession and would execute him unless they received 250,000 Egyptian pounds in ransom money.
April, 2013: Another Coptic Christian boy, 12-year-old Abanoub Ashraf, was also kidnapped right in front of his church in Shubra al-Khayma district. His abductors, four men, put a knife to his throat, dragged him to their car, opened fire on the church, and then sped away. Later they called the boy’s family demanding a large amount of money to ransom child’s life.
As for Coptic girls, they are even more vulnerable than Coptic boys and disappear with greater frequency.  As an International Christian Concern report puts it, “hundreds of Christian girls … have been abducted, forced to convert to Islam, and forced into marriage in Egypt. These incidents are often accompanied by acts of violence, including rape, beatings, and other forms of physical and mental abuse.”

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